Made-in-Rwanda TRIBUNE

Made-in-Rwanda news – Reports about Rwanda's export products – Points of sale in Europe


Warehouse gets fundamental upgrade

The National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) has opened a new warehouse, which will ensure that the quality and safety of Rwandan flowers, fruits and vegetables meet the requirements of the international market.

The converted warehouse is a location where fresh horticultural products such as fruit and vegetables are delivered, sorted and packaged before being put on the market. Currently, 50 to 100 tons of fruit and vegetables are processed per week for export purposes.

The opening was attended by Ambassador Bill Kayonga, CEO of NAEB, and Mr. Ton Negenman, senior policy officer for economic affairs, food security and private sector development at the Dutch embassy in Rwanda.

Negenman said it allows a number of exporting companies to get their products into international markets. “At the moment, the exporters who use this warehouse are exporting green beans, avocados and chili. These products from Rwanda end up in Dutch supermarkets,” says Negenman.

The warehouse also has cold stores with the capacity to keep flowers, vegetables and fruit fresh for four days before being exported to the market in various countries. Rwanda currently exports to France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Democratic Republic of Congo and China, among others.

Sources: The New Times and KT Press.