Made-in-Rwanda TRIBUNE

Made-in-Rwanda news – Reports about Rwanda's export products – Points of sale in Europe


In the spotlight: Mountain Coffee

Mountain Coffee is one of the coffee exporters that is participating in the Rwanda Coffee stand at the Amsterdam Coffee Festival and is represented by Emmanuel Niyomugabo.

Mountain Coffee was founded by Jean Paul Ngomayamahoro who is experienced in coffee business for over 20 years. A Mountain Coffee is carefully handpicked cherries, washed properly, sort out defect after fermentation step, coffee is sun dried on dry tables and hand sorted to ensure only the best coffee beans are processed. They do everything carefully to assure the quality for their customers.

Mountain coffee owns two coffee washing stations one in western province Nyamasheke and another one in southern province Nyamagabe. They work with 1034 farmers. Their coffee washing stations are located in very suitable regions for high quality coffee and they make sure that processing is done carefully to assure the quality because “QUALITY IS OUR PRIORITY” tons of cherries which can produce 9 containers of coffee and they look forward to extend capacity of their coffee washing stations.

Emmanuel Niyomugabo was interviewed at the festival, check it out here:

Click here to follow Nova Coffee on Instagram.